- The Director and Staff of Above the Barre Dance Academy, LLC would like to welcome you to the 2015-2016 dance season under the direction of Chelsie Klein and her staff. We have created this set of policies and procedures to give our parents and students a clear understanding of our mutual commitments and responsibilities to the Above the Barre Dance Academy.
Our dance program serves beginners through advanced students. We believe that our success comes as a result of providing solid training and quality service, along with an underlying belief in the strength of our organization.
Parents and adult students are responsible for being aware of all studio activities, such as viewing days, recitals, extra classes, and dates the studio is opened or closed. All information will be provided by email, and will be available at the front counter if you do not have an email account as well as on our website.
It is the responsibility of the parents or adult students to inform the studio of any address, email or telephone number changes.
- Above the Barre Dance Academy considers Ballet to be the basis for all dance and the most important technique to master. Ballet classes will include barre exercises for warm-ups and technique development, floor work for basic steps, turns, leaps and combinations. Ballet classes are especially good for gymnasts, swimmers, skaters, twirlers, athletes and models.
- Toddler Dance Ages 3-5 and Tiny Tot Dance Ages 2-3: Introduction to creative movement, basic rhythm and dance steps. Ballet, Jazz, and Tap. Learning how to start taking turns, listening to music, and developing coordination skills. Dress Code: Dance attire (leotards, skirts, pants, shorts, dance tops), jazz/ballet and tap shoes, hair secured out of face
- Combo Classes Ages 4-16: For beginner to intermediate dancers. This Combination class learning stretching, basic to intermediate ballet, jazz, and lyrical technique. Dress Code: Dance attire (leotards, skirts, pants, shorts, dance tops), jazz/ballet shoes, hair secured out of face
- Jazz/Tap Ages 3-8: For beginner to intermediate dancers. This Combination class learning stretching, basic to intermediate jazz and tap technique. Dress Code: Dress Code: Dance attire (leotards, skirts, pants, shorts, dance tops), jazz and tap shoes, hair secured out of face
- Hip-Hop: A fun High energy class that teaches all styles of hip-hop. Dress Code: Comfortable clothes to move in, tennis shoes
- Acro: Combination of classical dance and tumbling technique with acrobatic elements focusing on individual skill performance. Dress Code: No tights. No skirts. Bare feet preferred.
- Dance Drill Team Classes for Middle and High School: If you are interesting in being on your school drill or dance team, this is the class for you.
- Classes for those SERIOUS about dance and wanting to improve and become crew and company members... See the company class schedule for technique levels and class offerings of Ballet, Jazz, Leaps & Turns, Lyrical, Modern, Pointe, Tap, Acro, Hip-Hop. If you are interested in becoming a company member, please stop by the front desk and pick up an information packet.
- A non-refundable annual fee of $15.00 per student ($25 per family) is required yearly at time of registration. This will reserve the student a place in class. Parents must fill out the Registration Form, as well as, the Consent and Release Form before starting class. There is a $10 registration fee for summer for all students that will reserve the student a place in summer classes.
- Tuition must be paid by automatic bank account debit card or automatic credit card payment. (Auto Pay). "Pre-paid" or "reloadable" type cards are not accepted.
Tuition will be charged to your Debit or credit card on the 1st of each month from September-May. The month of September is non-refundable. You must sign an Auto Pay authorization form. Incidental fees, monthly tuition may be paid by cash or check prior to the 1st of the month. Any incidental fees which are not pre-paid will be processed the 1st day of the month with tuition charges. There is a processing fee of $2.00 for every charge.
If you pay by check or cash, please put your payment in the payment envelope provided next to the tuition box on the front counter. Put the student's name on the front of the envelope, check the appropriate category and drop into the locked box slot. Please do not hand tuition payments to the teachers.
A $25.00 late fee will be added to your account if tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month. There will be a $25.00 service fee if a check is returned. Above the Barre Dance Academy reserves the right to require payment by credit card if a check is returned or the account is repeatedly overdue. Accounts more that 45 days in arrears will cause that student(s) to be dismissed from the studio, unless acceptable arrangements are made with the Director.
- Above the Barre Dance Academy is hereby granted permission to photography, video, film and/or audio record my child and/or me. I consent to the use of such materials for all uses including but not limited to recital videos, class photos, brochures, websites, posters, social media, advertisements and other promotional materials the studio creates. Permission is hereby granted for Above the Barre Dance Academy to copyright such photographs in its name. This release is granted perpetuity,
- Extreme Weather or Unexpected Interruption of Classes
Above the Barre Dance Academy follows the Olathe School Districts holiday and snow closing schedule. The traditional holidays observed include: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, Spring Break, Memorial Day, and Independence Day. In the case of early dismissal from school due to inclement weather, communication will be sent out via email.
- Attendance and class make up policy
Above the Barre Dance Academy will not refund tuition; apply credit or prorated tuition charges for missed or canceled classes. If a student needs to miss a class, please email the studio at [email protected]. Students may make up absences by attending any other regularly scheduled class. Make up lessons must be completed within two (2) weeks of the missed/canceled class. If a student withdrawals from the class all make up lessons will be forfeited. All make-up lessons must be scheduled through the front office. Above the Barre reserves the right to have students who arrive late to class, sit out of class.
- The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If a teacher is ill and the studio cannot arrange a substitute any missed classes will be offered a make-up class.
- Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes. Failure to wear appropriate dance attire may result in student being asked to sit out of class. Long hair must be pulled back and secured from face. For all ballet classes, hair is worn in a secured bun. Warm-ups or capris may be acceptable for some classes if teacher gives permission. No jeans, baggy clothes or street shoes are to be worn in class.
- As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless Above The Barre Dance Academy, its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of Above The Barre Dance Academy, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.
- Parents, legal guardians of minor students, and students waive the right of any legal action for any injury sustained on studio property resulting from normal dance activity conducted by the student before, during or after class.
- Parents are welcome to sit in the lobby area while their child is taking class. If you have other children with you, please keep an eye on them, ATB is not responsible for injuries or behavior issues. ATB is not a daycare facility. Parents are not permitted in the dance classroom during class unless it is Watch Week or the teacher requests that parents come in and watch. Please do not move the furniture and if you do, please return it to it original place before leaving the studio.
- Any drink that is brought facility must have a lid, drinks brought into the studio rooms must be in plastic containers with lids, no glass containers EVER.
Students and parents are responsible for cleaning up their trash before leaving. We have a beautiful new facility and we would like to keep it looking that way so PLEASE DO NOT leave your mess for others to clean up.
- Above the Barre Dance Academy is hereby granted permission to photography; video, film and/or audio record you child. Parents will sign a consent form for such material for all uses including but not limited to; recital videos, class photos, brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the studio creates. Permission is also hereby granted for ATB to copyright such photographs in its name. This release is granted perpetuity.
- When you enroll, you with sign and acknowledge payments are due on the 1st of each month. Any payment received after the 5th will be assessed a $20.00 late fee. If you account balance remains overdue for more than forty-five(45) days it will result in the removal of the child from classes. If the account is sent to a collection agency for non-payment, it is understood that you will be responsible for all legal and/or collection fees on my unpaid balance, ATB will not be responsible for legal or collection fees.
As a parent or legal guardian, I hereby verify by my signature that I fully understand and accept each of the above conditions for permitting my child to participate in dance and/or any activity with Above the Barre Dance Academy.